Saturday 30 October 2021

Retford, Worksop and the hostess who's off her trolley!

Big WOWS guys, it's been quite a week for your rising star on social media (and unleashed for half-term part-time primary school music teacher.) In amongst the TikToks, Insta's and sale rail bargains from Boohoo I've done two shows and got meself another little MC giggeroo! Here's what's been going on. Remember to follow me on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook (and NOT down dark alleys.)

So last weekend I manouvered my mighty Micra across the Peak District and on to the market town of Retford, home to promoter Mikey B and a very nice cobbled high street (nice to look at, but a cattle grid for high heels like mine!) I popped my head in to the ultra crafty hip venue that would be mine for the night and set up all my equipment. Only to then wander downstairs and find a much better room for the show and do it all again.

Come 8pm I had a nice little front row and a scattering of bodies across the other chairs. Come 8.05pm Mikey arrived with his pub crawl horde of crawling comedy characters and filled it. You see, unlike any other fringe I know of, Mikey booked every pub, cafe and snooker club in his town for a gig and then toured them one at a time over the whole weekend with a mobile PA. Groundbreaking possibly, breaking things and falling on the ground by the end of the night definitely.

So I got down to business and had people micro-waving, exercising, playing Follow The Bandwidth and talking to me whenever they could. Theatre show abandoned I pulled everyone in and kept it going with ther determination of a supply teacher in front of a difficult class on the last day of term. Then I got pics with my top group of disrupters. Gold stars all round!

During the week I met up with a new bar in town to talk open mic and am now the proud hostess of their show on Nov 10th. If you're in the Glossop area do come down. We've got music and comedy and the whole thing kicks off at 7.45pm. Amaaaazing!

Then last night I was back in the car for a drive to Worksop and a headline set at a pub called Dukeries. There was a huge stage, loads of tables and chairs and sixteen very keen members of the public. When it was worked out that no-one knew how to turn the stage lights on we abandoned the original performance area and brought ourselves up to the bar for what is known the business as an "intimate" show. The first few acts didn't even both with a mic but I was having one because I'm a PROFESSIONAL! That and with backing music my little tonsils wouldn't have been able to compete.

And it went proper good! We laughed, we sang, I told a bloke I'd fist him later when he offered me a fist bump for one of my particularly brilliant one liners. And I took a photo with a whole bunch of them. Yes we're sat on pews but the only thing they had in common with a congregation was they could also feel the power of spirits.

And now I'm looking at the new term ahead of me and am getting my batch-recording together for tomorrow. Three songs, eight jokes + an ad or two for Bop and Bingo. Must dash!

Saturday 16 October 2021

Bingo, Festivals and Far-Flung Funnies

O M Gosh guys! I'm SOOOOOO sorry for the delayed blog update. It's tough being as in demand as me and I totally lost track of time. Soz x100! Still, here's what I've been up to. Remember to follow me on tiktok and facebook if you don't already. One's got over 3,000 followers the other...well, a few less.

So where do I start? Well let's talk about Glossop Comedy Festival. Amaaaaazing! My sensible brother, Andy Quirk, organised it and there was 14 shows going on in the upstairs of The Oakwood last weekend. I was there both as a solo artiste and also as one half of Disco Divorce Party with my mate Annie Sup. DDP really got things going on the Friday night and we had a right proper laugh. On Saturday I brought my own solo stylings to the stage after the marvellous Ali Woods and them what stuck around waved their arms about, clapped along and laughed on more than one occasion. I HAVE VIDEO IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME! Proper good laugh, love it. Only one more festival to go this year and that's at Retfest on Sunday 24th October, 8pm, at The Brewshed in Retford. Event invite here.

There have been some proper nice gigs in the last few weeks as well. A couple of weeks ago I powered my mighty micra to Rhyl in North Wales to MC Rhyl Comedy Club at The Little Theatre. I went early to beat the traffic (and find a petrol station with fuel in it) so once I got there I did a little tour of the town. Found some proper decent Boohoo in a charity shop and played the 2p sliders in their seaside arcade. I rate their sausage and chips 7/10 as it tasted good but it took AAAAGES thanks to all the telephone orders they had. Serious, who dials up for chips? They're probably scammers anyway. Phishing... 

Right but the gig yes, well it was totally amaaaazing (x100) and they was a proper nice audience. I ribbed the stag do who'd decided we was the new Jongleurs and questioned the life choices of a man who didn't know what beer he was drinking. I also did THREE costume changes, including one featuring my new Boohoo bargain. You get your money's worth with Miss Angela Bra, oh yes.

I also did a nice little gig in Leeds just before the Wales jolly and this week I headlined Early Risers in Liverpool. Not a club for farmers but parents as it turned out and they was lovely. We had a good singalong and I learned all about the games what they play over there before doing my boardgame song. Big thanks to the man who had to fiddle with my volume knobs at the start of the set - it turned out bangin' in the end.

So that leaves the bingo. And it really was bingo-go-go, halfway around the Manchester orbital and then some to make it to Leyland near Preston. The pub was boomin' and the players were plastered so I shimmied, shook and spouted numbers like my little life depended on it. I made some top mates for the night, called a man short and gave away 3 inflatable willies. All in a night's work for the hardest working comedienne / bingo caller in the business. We've got 13 dates between November and December. Hotter than a swipe right on the tinders.

'til next time cupcakes xxxxxxxxx

September Update

I'm back from Edinburgh Fringe but there's been no let up on when it comes to shows. After performing 22 days out of 25 throughout A...