Sunday 25 July 2021

How Ludlow Can You Go?

Oh my giddy giggy gosh guys, what a week! 

After another three nights in Buxton with 'At Home With Miss Angela Bra' and 'Disco Divorce Party', Annie and I were buzzing down the country lanes to Ludlow last weekend to play the final day of the Ludlow Fringe Festival. After trial by tractor and caravan we finally made it to this real nice market town and made our way past the half naked youth getting their chests out in the car park to Chang Thai - a Chinese Restaurant with a garden with our name on it.

A garden gig is the right thing when it's so hot you could cook eggs on the tabletops so I cracked on with my solo show to an army of picnic tables and smiley people - many of whom had been stewarding events throughout the festival. I got to know teachers, retired people and willing participants in waving their hands and offering their knowledge of 5-a-day. During my costume change, the prerecorded track featuring Pinot meeowing sent a dog off the deep end but we had a good laugh, all in all it was lovely!

Then after a fifteen minute break to raise my glamour game (and hemline) I was back on stage with Annie Sup for Disco Divorce Party. We had a right nice singalong and theatre experience with a crowd of, now slightly redder, audience members. Many chats and selfies later we went round and round Ludlow's one way system to admire the view until we eventually broke free and headed off to our very posh Premier Inn down the road.

This week we're Bop and Bingoing in Bolton on Friday and then we're off to London for Camden Fringe and, in my case, lots of little gigs around the capital. Hopefully I'll see you southerners there! Full details and ticket links are on the Shows page.

Also, some bloke called Andy Quirk did a podcast interview about me this week. You can listen to it here.


Sunday 11 July 2021

Buxton Fringe SOLD OUT!

Oh my giddy GOSH everyone, sorry for the delay in writing but I've been SOOOO busy preparing my shows recently.

Last Friday, At Home With Miss Angela Bra made its live debut at Buxton Fringe Festival to a SOLD OUT crowd at The Green Man Gallery. The crowd were lovely, the songs went down a treat and I nearly remember all of my lines. Most of them in the right order. I pulled off my costume change at the end to reveal this very slinky little number. As tiger print goes it was roar than enough!

A review popped up on the Buxton website the next day which also made me smile. A minor miracle given that Annie Sup managed to bash the reviewers toe with a chair as she helped accommodate the army of Bra-thers and sisters. I've posted it below for you to have a little peer through. 

The gig calendar has got even more packed thanks to another date added in London. Here's the full list for the next couple of months. Ticket links and all that malarky are on the Shows page, just click along the top. Tonight Disco Divorce Party goes toe to toe with some footy game or other but Annie and I ain't bothered. We'll be recording our Netflix* special if nothing else.

July 15th - At Home with Miss Angela Bra @ Buxton Fringe
July 17th - Disco Divorce Party @ Buxton Fringe
July 18th - At Home With Miss Angela Bra / Disco Divorce Party @ Ludlow Fringe
July 30th - Angela Bra (MC) @ Bop & Bingo, Barristers, Bolton
August 2nd - Angela Bra @ The Glory, Hoxton
August 3rd - 
At Home With Miss Angela Bra / Disco Divorce Party @ Camden Fringe
August 4th -  At Home With Miss Angela Bra / Disco Divorce Party @ Camden Fringe
August 5th - Angela Bra @ Pick N Mix Cabaret, The 2 Brewers, Clapham
August 7th - Angela Bra @ Groovie Grove, The Grove, Hammersmith
August 8th
At Home With Miss Angela Bra / Disco Divorce Party @ Camden Fringe
August 20th -
Angela Bra (MC) @ Bop & Bingo, Earnies, Colne
August 21st -
Angela Bra (MC) @ Bop & Bingo, The Flying Horse, Rochdale
August 22nd - At Home With Miss Angela Bra @ Laughing Horse Online
August 24th - Disco Divorce Party @ TBC, Telford

September 1st - 
At Home With Miss Angela Bra / Disco Divorce Party @ Manchester Fringe
September 2nd -  At Home With Miss Angela Bra / Disco Divorce Party @ Manchester Fringe

(*which I'm sure is coming soon) 


September Update

I'm back from Edinburgh Fringe but there's been no let up on when it comes to shows. After performing 22 days out of 25 throughout A...