My gosh, what a couple of weeks. It's been all about the festivals for me and Annie Sup has had me working hard on something called rehearsing. The songs are slick, the dance routines ready and the script set in stone (though with plenty of room for manouvre should the audience have something to say to us.) My own Life Lessons has had a bit of a tweak too.
The next weekend, Annie & Angela's Disco Divorce Party did the same. Friday night's crowd were fun but Saturday's really did blow the roof off and we had a proper nice party. Always good when you get a good few groups of ladies what have been "lunching" since late afternoon. Respect to the blokes too - they also wiggled and waved with enthusiasm. Gold star, top marks. Review is slightly further towards the top of the page than the other one.
Next on the agenda is Morecambe Fringe at the end of the month, with a bit of bingo and some stand-up at Liverpool's legendary Hot Water Comedy Club this weekend. There's also something extra and very exciting in the pipeline for Edinburgh but I ain't talking nothing about that until I've got the go ahead. What I can say is that this August is likely to go from busy b to busy a+++. Andy isn't going to need to bring any clothes 'cos it's going to be Miss Bra morning, noon and night!
I gots in the local paper too - lovely!