Sunday 6 December 2020

All I Want For Christmas

Oh ho ho, WHAT A WEEK! Yes it's been all go for me this last seven days. What with my SMASH HIT Youtube single going online and being picked up to feature on three different online variety shows you'd think that's enough. But no! There's even more when you add the last quiz show going on the 'tube too and getting NEARLY ONE HUNDRED views! Plus there's my MC turn on Anything Goes Online feeling the love too. Where to start, oh where do I begin?

Well, we all love a bit of Mariah don't we? And by that I mean just 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' OBVIOUSLY. When those jingle bell till-rings are coming at you then you know it's time to get it on, get the tinsel up and boil that bottle of rubbish red wine someone brought to your last pre-lockdown dinner party.

Well now you can have Mariah with a twist of ME! Yes, it's a Carey Christmas with a nod to lockdown life and sleightime drinking. Go and have yourself a singalong HERE - last time I looked over 500 people had already.

What's next? Oh yes, the variety shows. So my song's already on the latest Anything Goes Online and will also be on A Bonkers Christmas Cracker on Christmas Day. It's also going to be on the Reyt Proper Xmas Show on Twitch, OOOOH FANCY!

Is there anything else to add? Oh of course, how could could I forget? THE QUIZ! So, the second Bonkers Quiz Night was last weekend but you can now see it on Youtube HERE. The tubey version doesn't have the 15 minute countdown, which is handy for people too lazy to move the little circle along the timeline at the bottom. Gather your bubble and have a pop.

'Til next week goodbye - but don't forget to join me and Annie live for our third quiz night next Saturday HERE!

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