Saturday 3 April 2021

April Wowers

April's here and all is well for yours truly and her ever-expanding punchline. Since I last wrote I've gone proper viral, been booked for two comedy festivals and have been blessed with my own fan site on TikTok. Mad!

So let's start at the beginning. You know that throwaway joke I made about being "bye sexual"? 200,000 views and counting baby! Which is about 197,000 more than most of my others but it's the gift that keeps on giving and the followers are stacking up as a result. Proof that if you want a hit just make a joke viewers can tease each other with.

Since this clip I've expanded my online offerings to four different types. Comical PUNishment remains at the core but this comedy apple now has Angela's Contrary Dictionary (complete with Nicolas Parsons tribute on the back cover), music videos and Angela Answers Anything. 

The last of these features my answers to all enquiries recently directed at me. These include challenging Paxman-level interrogations like, "Where did you get your name from?" and, "Do you like Yorkshire Puddings?" As I said, tough stuff. Making response videos helps me connect with my fans (who are known as cupcakes, bralets or Angelanuts depending on who you listen to), create diversity in my content and, most importantly, gives me a break from the hard work of actually having to think of jokes. Everyone wins!

Speaking of who you listen to, now I have followers in similar numbers to the Pied Piper of Hamlin (and, it appears, of similar age - BIG UP THE YOOF!) it was inevitable one of my wonderful cupcakes would set up their own fan account of me. Yes, this has really happened. So far there have been a string of videos featuring cut outs of me from across my online world backed by proper TikTok meme soundtracks. How AMAZING is that? Could go a bit a bit Fatal Attraction / Stan of course. So long as my followers remain doing it online rather than dark alleys all will be well.

And speaking of dark alleys...Well, not quite. But I am out LIVE this summer. IT'S OFFICIAL! 'At Home With Miss Angela Bra' is now booked for the Ram Comedy Festival on May 31st and The Buxton Fringe for two dates in July + another two dates with my mate, Annie Sup, for our show, 'Disco Divorce Party.' More info on the Shows page. I'll let you all know when tickets are on sale.

Right, that seems like quite enough typing, my nails are wearing out. See you all soon!

TikTok / Instagram / Facebook


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