Sunday 25 April 2021

Digital Dilly-Dallies

Oh wow everyone, it's lovely to be writing again. It's been a couple of weeks since my last update and I've been dancing my digits over the digital divide for hours on end to bring smiles to anyone open to the idea. I've applied for another bunch of festivals and had one confirmed in my newly-found hometown of Glossop for October. More news on those real life larks when they happen, but for now here's what's going on-line...including my TikToking (see pic for wise words on one of them - though you'll have to wait a week for the punchline as that's when I'm publishing it!)

I hosted Clash of the Tight Tens last Friday to a lovely little audience and gave them a bunch of jokes and a little sing-song between the ever so talented acts. A repeat of the show is broadcast on the Bonkers Bingo Facebook tonight at 9pm should you fancy a laugh. I was also in my heels on this platform on Friday too, fronting their St Georges Day virtual parade (pictured). If you'd like to see that then it's still there. Have a game of footie, a roast dinner and a pint on me and Georgie boy.

Next Saturday Annie and I host our penultimate (and you'll need your ultimate pen) online quiz night with special comedy guests and another four rounds of questions that, if not already baffling enough, are doubled in challenge by the way we cavort around them over approximately 90 minutes. You'll find that on the Bonkers page at 9pm next week.

Elsewhere on the web, my latest TikTok has reversed the spiralling view-decline of my channel since the dancing vice-president of doom, Al Gore Rhythm, stopped punting my mirth onto the For You page over the past few weeks. The new videos are in super HD thanks to my new camera and budget ring light so you can see every last's just as well I've been perfecting the trowel method of makeup mastery. I've heard you need to be thick-skinned to be a comedian.

I also have some shows coming up in May which I'm not hosting. On May 7th I'm part of the amazing Reyt Proper House drag showcase (ticket link here) and then on the 27th I've got 15 minutes on the ever-so wayward Clogg Comedy. I won't be performing in clogs incidentally - I've found they make my performance rather wooden.

Until next to you all!

TikTok / Instagram / Facebook

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