Sunday 20 February 2022

Bingo in Bury, Comedy in Crewe and a TikTok Tsumnami

O-M-Gosh guys, girls and those of no fixed g - what an AMAZING week!

So, on Wednesday I was hosting my little music and comedy night here in Glossop and the acts was totally tip top with a cherry on top. The jokes was raining down nearly as hard as all the water crashing into the pavement outside and the music wafted among us somewhat less aggressively than the tornado blowing against the door. I did my song about a love affair with a carrier bag and we was all wrapped up by eleven. The next one is, as usual, at Square West but, not as usual, from March it'll be 3-7pm on a Sunday with the first being on the 13th.

Not happy with just the one gig, I was in my Micra driving against the elements on Thursday to perform a middle twenty (industry speak darlings) at a taphouse in Crewe. The audience was real nice and the lady in the front row was a proper good sport when I told her drinking a cocktail in a place full of beer was somewhat like taking a dump on their bar pumps. I roadtested my brand new fingernails which you just slap on your hands and look well classy. It was a "beer-ly" good laugh! 

Friday was bingo night so Annie and I picked up our mate Charlotte and drove to Bury for Bop & Bingo and over 150 crazed women looking to drink, dab and slap a naked butler's bottom. I sangs me microwave tune and made fun of Cam "the man" who does his best to keep the whole thing running. I rocked my new Topshop sequin dress (£3 from my local charity shop - BARGAIN!) so me and Annie both stormed the place with our super trendy looks. Speaking of storms, it was hailing all night with the wind threatening to turn me car into a kite but luckily by the time we left it had calmed down. Next stop for bingo is Stockport next Friday. Can't wait!

And in the online world I rebooted my most popular joke from 2021 with a much improved video and, once again, it's going more viral than the flu-that-can't-be-named-the-same-thing-for-too-long. 140,000 views when I last looked and I've now got me over 4,000 followers. If you happen to be one of them do say hiiiiiii!

Here a link to it.

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