Sunday 24 January 2021

Styling It Out

Hey everyone, thank you for once again dropping in on my blog to find out about all the AMAZING things I’ve been up to. BUSY AS EVER!
I’ve been refreshing my wardrobe with some proper dresses this week. Vintage style, very classy, fifties housewife chic because there’s nothing quite like reliving domestic oppression from seventy years ago. I bought four because I like them. It has nothing to do with the circular from my Head Teacher reminding everyone that the school dress code still stands whilst we’re Zooming from home and “dressing like you’re a teenager going clubbing for the first time” is still very much against policy. As I say. Nothing to do with that.
So what have I been up to online this week? Well, Annie Sup and I hosted another great quiz last night with Ali Woods and Andy Onions as special guests. They did well and the chat board was full of people hitting on each, shouting football chants and telling Annie how amazing she was. Nothing new there. Watch it here.
Elsewhere, I’ve been TikTokking every few days with a little joke or tune. Some of them have over 10 likes. Which I’m told is total rubbish but I’m still very proud of myself. See for your self here.
This week coming I’ve got two gigs next Saturday. You can watch the first from 7.30 – 8.30 here and the second one from 8.00 – 9.00 by signing up for the Zoom link here. Choose one, choose both. I’m headlining / on last at both of them so you could even hop between them if you like. Busy busy!
This week coming I’m putting the finishing touches to another little music video and I’m also recording my intro for February’s Anything Goes Online comedy compilation on Youtube. It features loads of new acts plus me – if you fancy some “Comedy PUNishment” early then just click here and give it a thumbs up!
‘til next week…

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