Monday, 11 January 2021

TikTok TikTok It Don’t Stop

Hey everyone, WHAT A WEEK! Yes, once again it’s been frothy latte full steam ahead for me with another smash hit quiz night and my debut on the only other social media platform I haven’t micro-waved on yet, TikTok.

Let’s start with TikTok, the video equivalent of Twitter before they let you write more than half a sentence on it. I thought I’d start easy by grabbing a couple of choruses from some of my songs and dicing them up like a chef to fit the time limit and jump around in the kind of visual assault the kids love. Extreme close-ups, subtitles all over the shop and more hashtags than a graffiti artist advertising their mean green. It kind of worked!

With 500-800 views a clip and anything up to 41 likes in the space of three days I got the fear. How could I keep this going? How can my fans see EVEN MORE of me? Then I hit on a plan. It’s a well known fact Instagram is for people who can’t read. What if TikTok is the place for people who can’t concentrate for longer than a fish doing two laps of their bowl? “Keep it simple,” I thought, “Do not overestimate your audience!”

So now I’m doing jokes on the TT. One liner puns with lots of colours and movement to keep flick-happy fingers from moving on. Some of them might end up in my set. Maybe one day I’ll do 50 minutes in 15 second chunks. 4 chunks a minute for 50 minutes is…plenty. Anyway, if you tick your tocks you can follow my account here:

As for last weekend’s quiz… AMAZING! Annie and I hosted Nationwide TV advert famous funny man Andy Storey, leading lady in comedy exercise videos Stella Graham and good pal (and hilarious man in his own right) Andy Onions. If you didn’t play along then click the link at the end of this to make that happen – the final round, “The Hills Have Eyes,” is worthy of a BAFTA. A LAFTA BAFTA in fact! Annie and I are looking for live guests in Feb so if you’d like to join us just send me an email. Quiz Video.

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