Friday 13 August 2021

Capital Comical PUNishment in London!

Oh my gosh guys, I am SO SOOOORRRRY for my delay in updating this little blog of mine. I've been busier than an airport based in a country that's just be added to the red list. Shows, shows, shows. I've been flying high with my head in the clouds for sure!

So a week last Monday I made my way by tube and train to Hackney Central to check out what it looked like since my mate Andy left there some years ago. A short hipster-hop on from there was The Glory, a fabulous drag bar in the direction of Shoreditch where I was to perform a set for Queer Comedy and its esteemed host, Lucien Jack. The show was AMAZING with every table taken at a ticket price that buys dinner out in Glossop...or one and a third pints in London. OW WOW WOW! The other acts were brilliant and there was much waving for my hit single, Nuclear Cooking Cave. I even got sent footage after of people bigging up my future Eurovision hit. Lovely. Top marks for the dressing room too - not a mop, crate of cleaning liquids or box of crisps in sight. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at The Rose & Crown in Kentish Town for the first two dates of both At Home With Miss Angela Bra and Annie & Angela's Disco Divorce Party. The venue had moved heaven and earth (and a serious amount of rubble that I'd seen on a short visit the day before) to have the room ready for us. The microphone stand was held together with tape and it smelt a bit funny but it was ours. On both nights turnout was a bit on the intimate side but those who came had a good time, a couple of which even bigged us up on Twitter. I also got a review from Steve Bennet of Chortle which included phrases like "jolly but trivial nonsense" and "a cheerily endearing persona, and she will get you taking part, whatever your initial reluctance." Which I can't really complain about - it's all about being part of the show when it comes to a night with Angela!

On Thursday I travelled south for Pick N' Mix Cabaret at The 2 Brewers in Clapham. The venue was super-plush with a big stage and glittery backdrop appropriate for a rising star on social media. The massive audience waved along to Cooking Cave but it was Ex On Fire that really got them going. Much love to Belksi for organising the night. After the show I joined Lucien Jack and Kate Bouquet in the front room for a pricey drink and shouting over a drag queen belting out show tunes. I met both Lu and Kate through online gigness last year so it was nice to join the virtual dots.

On Friday, Annie and I hit the town with a friend for drinks, food and absolutely no comedy. And then I got a very expensive cab home because the tubes stopped at half midnight. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 24HR TUBE?!

My Saturday show was in Hammersmith with Groovie Grove Comedy and a smaller but very warm bunch of onlookers. I opened and showed off my newly acquired Primark stilettos and 70% off babydoll dress from the New Look down the road (the reduction applying both to the price and amount of material used.) I got good feedback, on both my material and its. After the show I chatted away to old friends and new before catching the last train home.

I rounded off the week with Annie back at The Rose & Crown on Sunday to an audience of friends, family and Tik-Tokkers. Posting the dates on my outros for the last few months actually paying off for once! Both my own show and Disco Divorce party were a lot of fun and we thanked the venue staff many times before clip-clopping off into the mean-but-gentrified streets of Kentish Town. London tour complete!

The rest of this month see's Annie and I at two Bop & Bingo events in Rochdale and Colne and performing Disco Divorce Party in Telford before both shows appear at The Greater Manchester Fringe on September 1st and 2nd (see my Show page for more info.) I'm also performing At Home With Miss Angela Bra online with Laughing Horse on August 22nd at 7pm. Email me at for the Zoom link.

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